Oxenhope CE Primary School

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


ICARE-FLYER BDAT Inclusion Poster


The EDI Working Group:


Please click here to view our EDI Strategy.


Please click here to view our EDI Action Plan.



Equality information and objectives Oct 22



The Equality Act (2010)

Everyone covered by the new Code also ‘has duties in relation to disabled children and young people under the Equality Act 2010:

Therefore, in accordance with the ‘Aims and Objectives’ set out below, Oxenhope C of E Primary School will work to be a fully inclusive and caring school which welcomes all children into its community. We will work with each child and his/her family in order to ensure they have the best start in life.

Aims and Objectives

In accordance with the principles of the SEND Code of Practice (2014), our Curriculum approach and policy aims to ensure that the school:


Examples of EDI within our curriculum:

Year 4

‘During our Sound science topic, year 4 learnt about ‘the world without sound’ and the deaf community globally and in Oxenhope, along with how they communicate.  Year 4 were so inspired from learning sign language that for their social injustice project they wanted to raise awareness for the deaf community in Oxenhope.  They researched and found that only a small percentage of people knew sign language in their local community while the number of deaf people was far greater. Therefore they were hoping that people follow in their footsteps of learning to sign and allow everyone the opportunity to talk.’

Watch the video here.