Oxenhope CE Primary School

Collective Worship

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 100 v 4

We participate in an act of Collective Worship every day, led by the Worship Team, staff members or a visitor from a local church.  Our Collective Worship is central to the life of the school and is attended by Reception to Year 6 class.  It is inclusive, invitational and inspirational.

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday – Collective worship or Songs of Praise is held at 2.40pm and lasts approximately 15 minutes.

Tuesday – On Tuesday we have Reflection Time in classrooms which are more discussion based. The teacher is given a theme or a question to explore – Led by the Worship team in KS2 and the teachers in KS1.

Friday – Collective Celebration Worship.  Children from each year group are chosen to receive a presentation or star of the week award.  Parents of children receiving awards are invited to attend.

What happens during a Collective Worship?

Worship Team

School has a collective worship team comprising of children from years 1 to 6. Each day, members of the Council welcome everyone to, lead and conclude our Collective Worship.  They also lead their class reflection time.

They also review how collective worship is delivered in school and are also responsible for the delivery of one complete session of collective worship each half term.

The Collective Worship Team also maintain a display board in a prominent position in the school.

Church Visitors

The ministers from Oxenhope St Mary’s, Oxenhope Methodist Church and Hall Green Church Haworth regularly lead us in Collective Worship.  The Gideons also visit us in the last half term to give the Year 6 class a bible each.

Interfaith Visitors

We really look forward to Collective Worships from other faiths, we enjoy learning about different religions and how their practices and knowledge link to Christian values and Christianity.

Community Visitors

We have local farmers who are parents of the children come in to Collective Worship to share about the work they do. Representatives from after school clubs (including those run by parents) also share what they do and hold demonstrations.


Please click here to view our Collective Workshop Policy on our Policies page.